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Matchmaking session: Bridging the gap between computational biology and biology

ASMS 2018, San Diego.

Tuesday June 5th at 5:45-7pm, Room 32AB

Click here to see the slides.

We’ll be posting summaries of the session shortly but in the meantime, if you wish to post something, please contact Ewy (

Goal: To foster communication and seed collaborations between bench scientists (chemists and biologists) and computational biologists, and to identify areas of needs for and how these needs can be met.

Format: short (~ 5 min) talks from discussion group leaders to introduce topics followed by group discussion led by the group leaders. Each participant will have the opportunity to switch discussion groups and engage others around the topic.

Topics: integration of metabolomics data with other omics, metabolite pathway enrichment analysis, and integration of metabolomics data from different platforms.

This is a very interactive session and if you have a topic you’d like to introduce, let us know!

Current group leaders: